Respond to Retaliatory Violent Disputes

A violent retaliatory dispute is a conflict between multiple people that carries on over time. A violent retaliatory dispute is characterized by confrontation and intimidation in which at least one event involves violence or threats of violence. Law enforcement agencies can reduce violence associated with retaliatory disputes by assessing their local problem and implementing investigative interventions to reduce violence. If the problem is widespread, agencies may consider implementing a retaliatory violence reduction program.
Specific programs and implementation sites:
  • N/A

Helpful resources and citations:

Primary implementing agency:

  • Law Enforcement

Potential partnering agencies:

  • Varies based on approach but may include:
  • Community organizations
  • Reentry partners
  • Prosecutors’ offices
  • Schools
Links to evaluation evidence:
  • None/inconclusive, but some strategies such as problem-oriented policing and focused deterrence are proven to be effective
PSN Pillars

Focused and Strategic Enforcement

Prevention and Intervention

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